#!/bin/bash #sudo apt-get install sudo git #sudo apt-get install emacs-nox tmux #git clone ... if ((UID != 0)); then printf >&2 '%s: must be run as root\n' "$0" exit 1 fi . conf-puppet if ! [[ -x /usr/bin/puppet ]]; then apt-get update apt-get install -y puppet puppet-master fi if ! [[ -h /etc/puppet/code/modules ]]; then ln -s $PWD/modules /etc/puppet/code/modules ln -s $PWD/environments /etc/puppet/code/environments fi if grep -q "^search\|^domain" /etc/resolv.conf; then echo "Removing domain from resolv.conf" sed -i "/^search\|^domain/d" /etc/resolv.conf systemctl restart puppet-master fi if ! grep -q host01 /etc/hosts; then echo "Changing hostname" hostnamectl set-hostname host01 echo " host01" >> /etc/hosts systemctl restart puppet-master echo "Please open a new shell (hostname) and restart bootstrap" exit fi puppet module install puppetlabs-firewall puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib puppet module install puppetlabs-apt puppet module install puppetlabs-postgresql puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql puppet apply /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests --debug