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v 1.02

Welcome to Wpia.Club

Welcome to secu-CA!

This service is provided by WPIA (https://wpia.club).


Information about secu-CA.

Root Certificates

To use our subdomains, it is necessary to install our root and intermediate certificates.
Download Page

Community / Support Us

As a community-based open-source project, we are always looking for help.

Certificate Authority (CA)

Register for your free account to be able to get your own S/MIME certificates.

WPIA and secu-CA have more websites with additional information and services.


If you need support, send an email to support@{{conf.supportdomain}}. Email support is offered in English and German.

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About secu-CA the community CA

About secu-CA the community CA

secu-CA is a community-driven Certificate Authority (CA) powered by WPIA.

secu-CA offers the chance to get S/MIME certificates to encrypt emails and web service communications for personal use for free.

There are two limitations:

  • The life time of a certificate is six months only. This is due to the fact that the email address or domain is only email validated.
  • The root and intermediate certificates issued by secu-CA are not integrated in the web browser and operating system truststores and need to be added to the truststores before the issued certificates can be used without warnings of the applications.

WPIA is working on a further Certificate Authority with these goals:

  • Validated identity to use name in certificate.
  • Certificate lifetime up to 24 months.
  • Root and intermediate certificates included in major truststores.

Once this CA is set up, the service of secu-CA will be closed.

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Become part of the community and join one of our teams or just spread good information about our service.

RA Agents

Our RA Agents verify the identity of natural persons so that our CA can issue certificates with the person's name in them.

To become an RA Agent:

  • Get verified
  • Pass the RA Agent Challenge
  • Sign the RA Agent contract

Software Developers

We need help improving our current software as well as developing new applications to support our goals. Current development languages are Java, Python, and PHP.

Development process:

  1. Create a patch and push it to the review system (Gerrit) where it undergoes continuous integration testing and reviews by experienced developers.
  2. If the patch is approved, it moves to a test server for human testing.
  3. Once the patch passes, it is pushed to the production system.

Our public code repositories are available at https://code.wpia.club.


All our servers use Debian and are maintained via Puppet.

Documentation and Translation

If you're missing documentation or a language in one of our software applications, join and fill the gap.

Interested to Join?

If you're interested, fill out and sign the individual contributor license agreement and send it to info@wpia.club.