#!/bin/bash #Get domain-name and gigi-ip from the puppet config to know how to communicate with gigi hostname=$(sed -n "/\$systemDomain/ { s/\$systemDomain = '\([^']*\)'/\1/; p }" environments/production/manifests/ip.pp) ip=$(grep -A10 -F '$ips' environments/production/manifests/ip.pp | grep -F 'gigi =>' | head -n 1 | sed "s/.*'\([^']*\)'.*/\1/") folder=.bootstrap-user-data mkdir -p $folder # Curl gigi using correct host-header, faking https-access and using the cookies in "cookie-jar" function mcurl { local url="$1" shift curl -s --header "X-Real-Proto: https" --header "Host: www.$hostname" -b $folder/cookie-jar "http://$ip/$url" "$@" } # get the csrf out of a webpage (arguments 1 and 2 can be used to select the correct csrf-token) function csrf { grep csrf | ${1:-cat} | ${2:-cat} | sed "s/.*value='\([^']*\)'.*/\\1/" } # update the cookie-jar so that cookies received with https-only property are also sent over our fake-https-connection function open-jar { sed -i 's/TRUE/FALSE/g' "$1" # also use the cookie over insecure connection } function silent_read { prompt="$1" shift read -rsp "$prompt" "$@" printf '\n' } #execute a registration in gigi. If "$1" == "nopass" a password is not asked for but chosen at random. function register { csrf=$(mcurl register -c $folder/cookie-jar | csrf) if ! [[ -f $folder/cookie-jar ]]; then echo "error, could not start gigi" exit 1 fi open-jar $folder/cookie-jar silent_read "First Name: " fname silent_read "Last Name: " lname silent_read "Year of birth: " year silent_read "Month of birth: " month silent_read "Day of birth: " day silent_read "Email address: " email while [[ "$email" == *"'"* || "$email" == *"\\"* ]]; do silent_read "Email address was not valid, try again: " email done if [[ "$1" == "nopass" ]]; then pw1="$(head -c 15 /dev/urandom | base64)" pw2="$pw1" else silent_read "Password: " pw1 silent_read "Password (repeat): " pw2 while [[ "$pw1" != "$pw2" ]]; do silent_read "Password: " pw1 silent_read "Password (repeat): " pw2 done fi mcurl register --data-urlencode "name-type=western" \ --data-urlencode "fname=$fname" \ --data-urlencode "lname=$lname" \ --data-urlencode "suffix" \ --data-urlencode "name" \ --data-urlencode "year=$year" \ --data-urlencode "month=$month" \ --data-urlencode "day=$day" \ --data-urlencode "residenceCountry=invalid" \ --data-urlencode "email=$email" \ --data-urlencode "pword1=$pw1" \ --data-urlencode "pword2=$pw2" \ --data-urlencode "general=1" \ --data-urlencode "country=1" \ --data-urlencode "regional=1" \ --data-urlencode "radius=1" \ --data-urlencode "tos_agree=1" \ --data-urlencode "dp_agree=1" \ --data-urlencode "process=Weiter" \ --data-urlencode "csrf=$csrf" > /dev/null } function check_error { cat > $folder/page_output cat $folder/page_output >> $folder/log if grep -q "error-msgs" $folder/page_output; then cat $folder/page_output exit 1 fi } if ! type curl > /dev/null; then echo "requires curl" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [[ "$(sudo lxc-attach -n postgres-primary -- su -c "psql -At gigi" postgres <<< "\dt")" == "No relations found." ]]; then echo "gigi already has a database" >&2 exit 1 fi # Manually managing gigi + nginx for now sudo lxc-attach -n front-nginx systemctl stop puppet.service sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl stop puppet.service #Stopping nginx so no-one external can interfere with our init procedure sudo lxc-attach -n front-nginx systemctl stop nginx.service sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl stop gigi-proxy.{socket,service} sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl stop cassiopeia-client.service sudo lxc-attach -n gigi gigi reset-database sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl start cassiopeia-client.service sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl start gigi-proxy.socket rm -f $folder/cookie-jar echo "So... preliminary things done. Let's start with the setup" echo "We need a first administrative user, this user will be one of the bootstrappers for the WoT and seed for support." register adminEmail=$email adminPw=$pw1 echo "Ok, let's define the second bootstrapper" register nopass secondaryEmail=$email echo "You should now have been sent an activation link to the email you entered previously" read -rp "The activation link: " link params=${link##*\?} csrf=$(mcurl "verify?$params" -c $folder/cookie-jar | csrf) open-jar $folder/cookie-jar echo "doing verification with $params" if ! mcurl verify -d "$params&csrf=$csrf" | grep -qF "
"; then echo "Your e-mail address did not verify." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "granting initial bootstrapping-rights" sudo lxc-attach -n postgres-primary -- su -c "psql -d gigi" postgres <&1 | grep "< Location: " | sed "s_.*/\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*_\1_") if ! grep -q '^[0-9]\+$' <<< $mgmOid; then echo "Got an Organisation ID that is not a number: $mgmOid." >&2 exit 1 fi printf "Management Organisation id is \"%s\"\n" "$mgmOid" printf "adding org-domain for org %s: %s\n" "$mgmOid" "$hostname" csrf=$(mcurl orga/$mgmOid | csrf "head -n 4" "tail -n 1") domainName="$hostname" mcurl orga/$mgmOid -d "domain=$domainName&addDomain=action&csrf=$csrf" | check_error echo "using SQL to add self as orgadmin for organisation" sudo lxc-attach -n postgres-primary -- su -c "psql -d gigi" postgres <&2 exit 1 fi csrf=$(mcurl "account/domains/$domain" | tee $folder/domain | csrf "tail -n 1") token=$(grep pre $folder/domain | tail -n 1 | sed "s_.*>\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)<.*_\1_") name=$(grep "content available at" $folder/domain | sed "s_.*/\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\\.txt.*_\1_") sudo mkdir -p /data/nginx/challenge/.well-known/someca-challenge printf "%s" "$token" | sudo tee /data/nginx/challenge/.well-known/someca-challenge/$name.txt > /dev/null openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/CN=$domainName/OU=$token" -nodes -out $folder/self-req -keyout $folder/self-priv openssl x509 -req -in $folder/self-req -signkey $folder/self-priv -out $folder/self-cert -extfile <(printf "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, serverAuth\n") cp $folder/self-cert modules/gigi/files/gigi.crt setfacl -m user:puppet:r $folder/self-priv cp --preserve=all $folder/self-priv modules/gigi/files/gigi.key sudo lxc-attach -n front-nginx -- puppet agent --test --verbose mcurl "account/domains/$domain" -d "HTTPType=y&SSLType=y&ssl-type-0=direct&ssl-port-0=443&ssl-type-1=direct&ssl-port-1=&ssl-type-2=direct&ssl-port-2=&ssl-type-3=direct&ssl-port-3=&csrf=$csrf" | check_error echo "Pings configured... waiting" sleep 5 mcurl "account/domains/$domain" > $folder/domainStatus echo "Issuing certificate for web" function issue { options=$1 csrf=$(mcurl "account/certs/new" | csrf "head -n 1") openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/CN=blabla" -nodes -out $folder/req -keyout $folder/priv encoded=$(tr '\n' '?' < $folder/req | sed "s/=/%3D/g;s/+/%2B/g;s/\?/%0A/g") mcurl account/certs/new -d "CSR=$encoded&process=Next&csrf=$csrf" | check_error serial=$(mcurl account/certs/new -d "$options&OU=&hash_alg=SHA256&validFrom=now&validity=2y&login=1&description=&process=Issue+Certificate&csrf=$csrf" -v 2>&1 | tee $folder/certlog | grep "< Location: " | sed "s_.*/\([a-f0-9]*\)[^0-9]*_\1_") echo "Certificate: $serial" if [[ $serial != "" ]]; then echo "installing" mcurl "account/certs/$serial.crt?chain&noAnchor" > $folder/cert.crt return 0; else return 1; fi } if issue "profile=server-orga&CN=&SANs=dns%3Awww.$domainName%2Cdns%3Astatic.$domainName%2Cdns%3Aapi.$domainName%2Cdns%3Asecure.$domainName"; then cp $folder/cert.crt modules/gigi/files/gigi.crt setfacl -m user:puppet:r $folder/priv cp --preserve=all $folder/priv modules/gigi/files/gigi.key echo "reloading cert" sudo lxc-attach -n front-nginx -- puppet agent --test --verbose else echo "refusing to update" fi if issue "profile=mail-orga&CN=Gigi+System&SANs=email%3Agigi@$domainName"; then echo "great!" keystorepw=$(head -c 15 /dev/urandom | base64) openssl pkcs12 -export -name "mail" -in $folder/cert.crt -inkey $folder/priv -CAfile modules/nre/files/config/ca/root.crt -password file:<(printf '%s' "$keystorepw") | sudo tee modules/gigi/files/keystore.pkcs12 > /dev/null printf '%s' "$keystorepw" | sudo tee modules/gigi/files/keystorepw > /dev/null else echo "refusing to update" fi echo "marking gigi ready" echo yes | sudo lxc-attach -n gigi tee /gigi-ready > /dev/null sudo lxc-attach -n gigi -- puppet agent --test --verbose sudo lxc-attach -n front-nginx systemctl start puppet.service sudo lxc-attach -n gigi systemctl start puppet.service