]> WPIA git - gigi.git/blob - src/club/wpia/gigi/pages/MainPage.templ
add: ensure that for RA Agent actions there is a valid RA Challenge
[gigi.git] / src / club / wpia / gigi / pages / MainPage.templ
1 <h3><?=_Welcome back, ${username}!?></h3>
2 <h4><?=_Subscriber information?></h4>
4 <? if($certlogininfo) { ?>
5   <? if($certlogin) { ?>
6     <div class="card card-body bg-light">
7       <p><?=_You are authenticated via certificate, so you will be able to perform all actions.?></p>
8     </div>
9   <? } else { ?>
10     <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
11       <p><?=_For some actions, e.g. add verification, support, you need to be authenticated via certificate.?></p>
12     </div>
13   <? } ?>
14 <? } ?>
15 <? if($catsinfo) { ?>
16   <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
17   <? if($catsra) { ?>
18     <p><?=_To add a verification you need to pass the RA Agent Challenge.?></p>
19   <? } ?>
20   </div>
21 <? } ?>
22 <div class="card card-body bg-light">
23 <? if($ra-agent) { ?><p><?=_You are an RA Agent.?></p><? } ?>
24 <p><?=_Assigned support permissions?>: <?=$support-groups?></p>
25 <p><?=_Assigned user-managed permissions?>: <?=$groups?> (<?=_!'<a href="/account/details">'more!'</a>'?>)</p>
26 <p><?=_${vp} Verification Points and ${xp} Experience Points.?> (<?=_!'<a href="/wot/points">'more!'</a>'?>)</p>
27 </div>
29 <h4><?=_Certificate Information?></h4>
30 <div class="card card-body bg-light">
31 <p><?=_${c-no} certificate(s) are issued for your account.?> (<?=_!'<a href="/account/certs">'more!'</a>'?>)</p>
32 </div>
34 <h4><?=_Subscribed domains and email addresses?></h4>
35 <div class="card">
36 <div class="card-heading bg-light">
37 <?=_Your account lists the following email addresses?> (<?=_!'<a href="/account/mails">'more!'</a>'?>):
38 </div>
39 <table class="table">
40   <thead>
41   <tr>
42     <th><?=_Address?></th>
43     <th><?=_Status?></th>
44     <th><?=_Last successful verification?></th>
45   </tr>
46   </thead>
47   <tbody>
48   <? foreach($emails) {?>
49         <tr>
50                 <td><?=$address?></td>
51                 <td><?=$verification?></td>
52                 <td><? if($last_verification) { ?><?=$last_verification?><? } else { ?><?=_N/A?><? } ?></td>
53         </tr>
54  <? } ?>
55   </tbody>
56 </table>
57 </div>
59 <div class="card">
60 <div class="card-heading bg-light">
61 <?=_Your account lists the following domains?> (<?=_!'<a href="/account/domains">'more!'</a>'?>):
62 </div>
63 <? if($nodomains) { ?>
64 <div class="card-body">
65 <?=_Currently no domains are registered for your account.?>
66 </div>
67 <? } else { ?>
68 <table class="table">
69   <thead>
70   <tr>
71     <th><?=_Domain?></th>
72     <th><?=_Status?></th>
73   </tr>
74   </thead>
75   <tbody>
76   <? foreach($domains) { ?>
77   <tr>
78     <td><?=$domain?></td>
79     <td><?=$status?></td>
80   </tr>
81   <? } ?>
82 </tbody></table>
83 <? } ?>
84 </div>
86 <? if($hasorgs) { ?>
87 <h4><?=_Organisations?></h4>
88 <div class="card card-body bg-light">
89  <p><?=_You are listed as administrator for these organisations?>:</p>
90  <ul>
91  <? foreach($orgas) { ?>
92   <li><?=$orgName?></li>
93  <? } ?>
94  </ul>
95  <? if($certlogin) { ?><p><?=_!'<a href="/account/details">'change to organisation administrator context.'</a>'?><? } else { ?><p class="alert alert-warning"><?=_You need to be logged in via certificate to get access to the organisations.?><? } ?></p>
96 </div>
97 <? } ?>