]> WPIA git - gigi.git/blob - src/org/cacert/gigi/pages/account/domain/PingConfigForm.templ
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[gigi.git] / src / org / cacert / gigi / pages / account / domain / PingConfigForm.templ
1 <h3><?=_Verification mechanisms?></h3>
3 <div class="panel panel-info panel-activatable">
4   <div class="panel-heading"><input type="checkbox" name="emailType" value="y"<?=$!mail?>> <?=_Verify by sending an email to authoritative email addresses?></div>
5   <div class="panel-body">
6     <?=_Select the destination mail address:?><br/>
7     <? foreach($authEmails) { ?>
8       <input type="radio" id="email_<?=$i?>" name="email" value="<?=$i?>"<?=$!checked?>/>
9       <label for="email_<?=$i?>"><span class='name'><?=$email?>@<span class='exampleDomain'>example.org</span></span></label><div class='elements'></div>
10     <? } ?>
11   </div>
12 </div>
13 <div class="panel panel-info panel-activatable">
14   <div class="panel-heading"><input type="checkbox" name="DNSType" value="y"<?=$!dns?>> <?=_Verify by reading DNS-TXT entries?></div>
15   <div class="panel-body">
16     <?=_Please insert the following DNS TXT entry into the Zone-file of your domain:?><br/>
17     <pre><?=$tokenName?>._cacert._auth IN TXT <?=$tokenValue?></pre>
18   </div>
19 </div>
20 <div class="panel panel-info panel-activatable">
21   <div class="panel-heading"><input type="checkbox" name="HTTPType" value="y"<?=$!http?>> <?=_Verify by reading HTTP-content?></div>
22   <div class="panel-body">
23     <?=_Please make the following content available under ?><pre class='string'>http://<span class='exampleDomain'>example.org</span>/cacert-<?=$tokenName?>.txt</pre><br/>
24     <pre><?=$tokenValue?></pre>
25   </div>
26 </div>
27 <div class="panel panel-info panel-activatable">
28   <div class="panel-heading"><input type="checkbox" name="SSLType" value="y"<?=$!ssl?>> <?=_Verify by searching for installed certificate.?></div>
29   <div class="panel-body">
30     <?=_Please list up to four services using your certificate. You need to have one of them up and using a valid SomeCA certificate or a specific self-signed certificate in order to pass this test?>:
31     <?=_The self-signed certificate needs to contain your domain as CN and ${tokenValue} as organization unit. With $!{openSSLHelp} OpenSSL command line utilities can generate such a certificate.?>:
32     <table>
33     <? foreach($ssl-services){ ?>
34     <tr><td><select name='ssl-type-<?=$i?>'>
35       <?foreach($ssl-types){ ?>
36       <option<?=$!selected?>><?=$name?></option><? } ?></select>
37     </td><td>Port: <input type='text' name='ssl-port-<?=$i?>' value='<?=$port?>'></td></tr>
38     <? } ?>
39     </table>
40   </div>
41 </div>
42 <? if($notEmbedded) { ?>
43 <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit"><?=_Update?></button>
44 <? } ?>