]> WPIA git - gigi.git/blob - src/org/cacert/gigi/pages/account/certs/RequestCertificate.templ
Show certificate as PEM
[gigi.git] / src / org / cacert / gigi / pages / account / certs / RequestCertificate.templ
1 <form method="post">
2 <table class="wrapper dataTable">
3   <thead>
4   <tr>
5     <th colspan="2" class="title"><?=_New Certificate from CSR?></th>
6   </tr>
7   </thead>
8   <tbody>
9   <tr>
10     <td><?=_I have a CSR! Paste it here:?><br/>Don't know, what as CSR is and how to create one? Take a look in the <a href="https://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/CSR">Wiki</a>!</td>
11     <td>
12       <textarea name="CSR" class="csr"></textarea>
13     </td>
14   </tr>
15   <tr>
16     <td colspan="2">
17       <input type="submit" name="process" value="<?=_Next?>" />
18       <input type='hidden' name='<?=$csrf_name?>' value='<?=$csrf?>'>
19     </td>
20   </tr>
21   </tbody>
22 </table>
23 </form>
24 <br>
25 <form method="post">
26 <table class="wrapper dataTable">
27   <thead>
28   <tr>
29     <th colspan="2" class="title"><?=_New Certificate from newly generatey Key (SPKAC)?></th>
30   </tr>
31   </thead>
32   <tbody>
33   <tr>
34     <td><?=_I do not have a CSR.?></td>
35     <td align="left">
36      <keygen name="SPKAC" challenge="<?=$spkacChallenge?>"/>
37     </td>
38   </tr>
39   <tr>
40     <td colspan="2">
41      <input type="submit" name="process" value="<?=_Next?>" />
42      <input type='hidden' name='<?=$csrf_name?>' value='<?=$csrf?>'>
43     </td>
44   </tr>
45   </tbody>
46 </table>
47 </form>