]> WPIA git - infra.git/blob - manager/backup
chg: fix path in lxc-base image creation
[infra.git] / manager / backup
1 #!/bin/bash
2 targetHost=$1
3 targetHost=${targetHost%/}
4 source config
5 source "$targetHost/config"
7 if ! which chunked >/dev/null; then
8     printf "Requires 'chunked' package from deb2.dogcraft.de\n" >&2
9     exit 1
10 fi
14 backup_target="$targetHost/backups"
15 coproc {
16     ssh_target "sudo ./backup"
17     read -r end
18 }
19 read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
20 if [[ $line != "Backup service ready" ]]; then
21     echo "Backup service did not respond"
22     exit 1
23 fi
24 function start_backup {
25     ident="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")"
26     self="$backup_target/$ident"
27     mkdir -p "$self"
28     if [[ -h "$backup_target/last" ]]; then
29         last="$(readlink "$backup_target/last")"
30         ln -s "../$last" "$self/prev"
31         rm "$backup_target/last"
32     fi
33     ln -s "$ident" "$backup_target/last"
34 }
35 function base {
36     printf "base\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
37     chunked decode <&${COPROC[0]} > "$self/pg_base.tar.gz"
38     ls -alsh -- "$self/pg_base.tar.gz"
39     read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
40     echo "pg_base done: $line"
41     echo "Backup info: "
42     tar xzO backup_label <  "$self/pg_base.tar.gz"
43 }
44 function incremental {
45     last=
46     hash=
47     if [[ $(find -L "$self" -maxdepth 14 -name "pg_base.tar.gz" | wc -l) -lt 1 ]]; then
48         printf "doing pg_base backup to $self/pg_base.tar.gz:\n"
49         base
50         last="$(tar xzO backup_label <  "$self/pg_base.tar.gz" | grep "^START WAL LOCATION: " | sed "s/.*(file \\(.*\\))/\\1/")"
51         hash="-"
52     else
53         last=""
54         folder="$self"
55         while [[ $last == "" ]]; do
56             folder="$folder/prev"
57             last="$(tar tf "$folder/pg_wal.tar.gz" | grep "^[A-Z0-9]*$" | tail -n 1)"
58         done
59         echo "Found last WAL file in backup: $folder"
60         hash=$(tar xfO "$folder/pg_wal.tar.gz" "$last" | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)
61     fi
62     printf "Last WAL-name: %s\n" "$last"
63     printf "incremental\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
64     printf "%s\n" "$last" >&${COPROC[1]}
65     printf "%s\n" "$hash" >&${COPROC[1]}
66     read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
67     if [[ "$line" != "Ready" ]]; then
68         printf "incremental backup didn't start\n"
69         exit 1
70     fi
71     chunked decode <&${COPROC[0]} > "$self/pg_wal.tar.gz"
72     printf "Tar contents\n"
73     tar tf "$self/pg_wal.tar.gz"
74     ls -alsh -- "$self/pg_wal.tar.gz"
75     read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
76     if [[ $line == "incremental backup done, confirm cleanup!" ]]; then
77         printf "y\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
78     else
79         printf "Done, but got strange line for cleanup confirmation: %s\n" "$line"
80     fi
81     printf "Done incremental backup\n"
82 }
84 # This code snippet cannot be used inline and therefore has to be a function.
85 # When calling this function like 'receive_journal "journal" <&$fd', the
86 # file-descriptor "$fd" is resolved in the calling original shell.
87 # However when inlining this code like "... | ... <&$fd" the file-descriptor
88 # is resolved in the first subshell created by this command and therefore
89 # not valid anymore.
90 function receive_journal {
91     chunked decode | /lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote -o "$1" -
92 }
93 function journal {
94     printf "Fetching journals...\n"
95     printf "journal\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
96     folder="$self"
97     for i in {1..10}; do
98         folder="$folder/prev"
99         if [[ -f "$folder/journal-until" ]]; then
100             break;
101         fi
102     done
103     if [[ -f "$folder/journal-until" ]]; then
104         printf "From: "
105         from="$(cat "$folder/journal-until")"
106         date --utc -d "@$from"
107         printf -- "%s\n" "$from" >&${COPROC[1]}
108     else
109         printf "From: start\n"
110         printf -- "-\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
111     fi
112     read -r until <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
113     if [[ $until == "no journals" ]]; then
114         printf "no journal events\n"
115         return 1
116     fi
117     if [[ ! $until == "Until: "* ]]; then
118         printf "Unexpected Until line: %s\n" "$until"
119         exit 1
120     fi
121     until="${until#Until: }"
122     printf "until: "
123     date --utc -d "@$until"
125     printf "Until: %s\n" "$until"
126     while :; do
127         read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
128         if [[ $line == "end-of-journals" ]]; then
129             break;
130         fi
131         jnl="${line#journal: }"
132         printf "journal: %s\n" "$jnl"
133         receive_journal "$self/part-$jnl.journal" <&${COPROC[0]}
134     done
135     journalctl --file="$self/part-*" -o export | /lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote -o "$self/all.journal" -
136     printf "Removing split journals:\n"
137     rm -v "$self/part-"*.journal
138     cat > "$self/journal-until" <<< "$until"
139     ls -als "$self"
140 }
142 if [[ "$2" == "restore" ]]; then
143     sourceHost=$3
144     sourceHost=${sourceHost%/}
145     backup_target="${sourceHost}/backups"
146     folder="$backup_target/last"
147     printf "Restoring backup %s\n" "$(readlink -e -- "$folder")"
148     tar tf "$folder/pg_wal.tar.gz"
149     while ! [[ -f "$folder/pg_base.tar.gz" ]]; do
150         folder="$folder/prev"
151         printf "Requires backup %s\n" "$(readlink -e -- "$folder")"
152         tar tf "$folder/pg_wal.tar.gz"
153     done
154     #tar tf "$folder/pg_base.tar.gz"
155     printf "restore\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
156     read -r reply <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
157     if [[ $reply != "postgres base" ]]; then
158         printf "Service is not ready to receive backup: %s\n" "$reply"
159         exit 1
160     fi
161     echo "sending base"
162     chunked < "$folder/pg_base.tar.gz" >&${COPROC[1]}
163     echo "done sending base"
164     folder="$backup_target/last"
165     while :; do
166         read -r reply <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
167         if [[ $reply != "incremental?" ]]; then
168             printf "Service is not ready to receive backup: %s\n" "$reply"
169             exit 1
170         fi
171         printf "y\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
172         printf "Sending pg_wal from %s\n" "$(readlink -e -- "$folder")"
173         chunked < "$folder/pg_wal.tar.gz" >&${COPROC[1]}
174         if [[ -f "$folder/pg_base.tar.gz" ]]; then
175             break
176         fi
177         folder="$folder/prev"
178     done
179     read -r reply <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
180     if [[ $reply != "incremental?" ]]; then
181         printf "Service is not ready to receive backup: %s\n" "$reply"
182         exit 1
183     fi
184     printf "n\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
185 elif [[ "$2" == "backup" ]]; then
186     if ! [[ -x /lib/systemd/systemd-journal-remote ]]; then
187         printf "This script requires 'systemd-journal-remote' to reformat received journals\n"
188         exit 1
189     fi
190     start_backup
191     incremental
192     journal
193 else
194     printf "Error, unknown sub command: %s\n" "$2" >&2
195 fi
198 printf "end\n" >&${COPROC[1]}
199 read -r line <&${COPROC[0]} || exit 1;
200 printf "END: %s\n" "$line"