]> WPIA git - gigi.git/blob - build.xml
UPD: Added margin to h1 and h2 headings
[gigi.git] / build.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
2 <project basedir="." default="all" name="cacert-gigi">
3         <property environment="env" />
4         <property name="junit.output.dir" value="junit" />
5         <property name="debuglevel" value="source,lines,vars" />
6         <property name="target" value="1.8" />
7         <property name="source" value="1.8" />
8         <property name="mysqlconnector" value="mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar" />
9         <property name="juintexec" value="." />
10         <path id="JUnit 4.libraryclasspath">
11                 <pathelement location="${juintexec}/junit.jar" />
12                 <pathelement location="${juintexec}/org.hamcrest.core.jar" />
13         </path>
14         <path id="cacert-gigi.classpath">
15                 <pathelement location="bin" />
16                 <pathelement location="${mysqlconnector}" />
17         </path>
18         <path id="cacert-gigi.test.classpath">
19                 <pathelement location="bin" />
20                 <pathelement location="bintest" />
21                 <path refid="JUnit 4.libraryclasspath" />
22                 <pathelement location="${mysqlconnector}" />
23         </path>
24         <target name="init">
25                 <mkdir dir="bin" />
26                 <mkdir dir="bintest" />
28                 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
29                         <fileset dir="lib/servlet-api">
30                                 <exclude name="**/*.launch" />
31                                 <exclude name="**/*.java" />
32                         </fileset>
33                 </copy>
34                 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
35                         <fileset dir="lib/jetty">
36                                 <exclude name="**/*.launch" />
37                                 <exclude name="**/*.java" />
38                         </fileset>
39                 </copy>
40                 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
41                         <fileset dir="src">
42                                 <exclude name="**/*.launch" />
43                                 <exclude name="**/*.java" />
44                         </fileset>
45                 </copy>
46                 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
47                         <fileset dir="util">
48                                 <exclude name="**/*.launch" />
49                                 <exclude name="**/*.java" />
50                         </fileset>
51                 </copy>
52                 <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bintest">
53                         <fileset dir="tests">
54                                 <exclude name="**/*.launch" />
55                                 <exclude name="**/*.java" />
56                         </fileset>
57                 </copy>
58         </target>
59         <target name="clean">
60                 <delete dir="bin" />
61         </target>
62         <target depends="clean" name="cleanall" />
63         <target depends="build-project, native" name="build" />
64         <target depends="init" name="build-project">
65                 <echo message="${ant.project.name}: ${ant.file}" />
66                 <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin"
67                         includeantruntime="false" source="${source}" target="${target}">
68                         <compilerarg value="-XDignore.symbol.file"/>
69                         <src path="lib/servlet-api" />
70                         <src path="lib/jetty" />
71                         <src path="lib/jtar" />
72                         <src path="src" />
73                         <src path="util" />
74                         <classpath refid="cacert-gigi.classpath" />
75                 </javac>
76         </target>
78         <target name="native">
79                 <exec executable="make" dir="natives"/>
80         </target>
82         <target depends="build" name="pack">
83                 <jar destfile="gigi.jar" basedir="bin" manifest="Gigi.MF" />
84         </target>
86         <target depends="test,native" name="bundle">
87                 <zip destfile="gigi-linux_amd64.zip" basedir="."
88                         includes="gigi.jar,native/*.so,doc/tableStructure.sql,static/**,templates/**" />
89         </target>
90         <target name="static-bundle">
91                 <tar destfile="static.tar.gz" compression="gzip" basedir="."
92                         includes="doc/tableStructure.sql,static/**,templates/**" />
93         </target>
95         <target name="all" depends="bundle,static-bundle" />
98         <target depends="init,build-project" name="build-project-test">
99                 <echo message="${ant.project.name}: ${ant.file}" />
100                 <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bintest"
101                         includeantruntime="false" source="${source}" target="${target}">
102                         <compilerarg value="-XDignore.symbol.file"/>
103                         <src path="tests" />
104                         <classpath refid="cacert-gigi.test.classpath" />
105                 </javac>
106         </target>
107         <target name="check-locale">
108                 <available file="locale/de.xml" property="locale.present" />
109         </target>
110         <target name="FetchLocales" depends="check-locale" unless="locale.present">
111                 <java classname="org.cacert.gigi.util.FetchLocales" failonerror="true"
112                         fork="yes">
113                         <classpath refid="cacert-gigi.classpath" />
114                 </java>
115         </target>
116         <target name="check-generateKeys">
117                 <available file="config/keystore.pkcs12" property="keystore.present" />
118         </target>
119         <target name="generateKeys" depends="check-generateKeys" unless="keystore.present">
120                 <exec executable="./generateKeys.sh" dir="keys" />
121                 <exec executable="./generateTruststore.sh" dir="keys">
122                         <arg value="-noprompt" />
123                 </exec>
124         </target>
125         <target name="test" depends="build-project-test,generateKeys,FetchLocales,pack">
126                 <mkdir dir="${junit.output.dir}" />
127                 <junit fork="yes" printsummary="withOutAndErr">
128                         <formatter type="xml" />
129                         <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${junit.output.dir}">
130                                 <fileset dir="tests">
131                                         <include name="**/*.java" />
132                                         <exclude name="**/testUtils/**" />
133                                 </fileset>
134                         </batchtest>
135                         <classpath refid="cacert-gigi.test.classpath" />
136                 </junit>
137         </target>
138         <target name="junitreport">
139                 <junitreport todir="${junit.output.dir}">
140                         <fileset dir="${junit.output.dir}">
141                                 <include name="TEST-*.xml" />
142                         </fileset>
143                         <report format="frames" todir="${junit.output.dir}" />
144                 </junitreport>
145         </target>
146 </project>