[Service] # the system call filter: reset the filter to empty, then each subsequent assignment adds to it SystemCallFilter= # read and write SystemCallFilter=@basic-io # @file-system (systemd commit 1a1b13c957, not in any release yet) SystemCallFilter=open close stat stat64 fstat fstat64 lstat lstat64 creat mkdir getdents getdents64 getcwd access fcntl fcntl64 mmap munmap readlink # event loop (is there data on a socket?) SystemCallFilter=@io-event ioctl # network connections SystemCallFilter=@network-io # JIT code generation SystemCallFilter=mprotect brk # signals SystemCallFilter=rt_sigaction rt_sigprocmask # threads SystemCallFilter=clone gettid futex set_robust_list set_tid_address sched_getaffinity sched_setaffinity sched_yield # allow nio to detect platform SystemCallFilter=uname # not sure what these are used for SystemCallFilter=arch_prctl sysinfo setrlimit madvise pipe # don't kill the process when an illegal syscall is issued, just return Operation not permitted SystemCallErrorNumber=EPERM